Running for the Future
As parents and caregivers we know how important it is to give our children opportunities in which they can find success, place them in situations that challenge them and get their minds & bodies moving as often as possible. Quite a few of us as adults accomplish these things through individual sports and hobbies, and a large portion of us specifically through running; why not share that love of athleticism, competition and individual growth with our children? After all, they are our future.
Kids Run This City aims to provide a fun, challenging and welcoming platform for kids ages 0-12 to test their own limits in a supportive environment amongst their peers. With race distances designed to be achievable yet substantive, we hope to inspire kids to dig deep and discover the great stuff they are made of - surely useful when the going gets tough (as it will, remember your teenage years?). And of course there’s the added benefit of learning how to be a team player, how to graciously compete against yourself & your peers, how to explore & contribute to your community and, most importantly, how to have a really, really good time.
For the first time, Kids Run This City offers kids a chance to be the ones training, the ones crossing the finish line, the ones wearing the medals. All you have to do is cheer them on.
“Active kids are more likely to become healthy, well-rounded adults”
it’s more than a race
Learn to set goals through anticipating future performance
Develop healthy behaviors and mindsets around personal and peer competition
Practice fairness, sportsmanship and peer support
Acquire the skill to win and lose graciously
Test personal limits and discover ability to push through barriers
Connect to community spaces and neighbors through a common mission
Benchmark personal success and aim to outperform past accomplishments
Install a sense of achievement, in turn fostering confidence, imagination and smart risk taking
Instill a love for an active lifestyle that will continue for a lifetime
“IT’S THE BEGINNING. It’s confidence. It’s inclusive. It’s challenging.
It’s the beginning of a lifetime of wins.”