Race Series
Every Kids Run This City race will feature three distances and suggested age groups. Distances for each division are meant to challenge kids and push them beyond their comfort zone, but are also intended to be generally achievable within the age group.
Race locations are park centric and thoughtfully considered to not only create a great race experience, but to expose families to green spaces in their neighborhood and connect them to active options in their community.
Team Velcro
If they can walk then they can run! The 1K distance, just over half a mile, will be most challenging for new-to-walking runners, but highly achievable and confidence boosting for our pre-schooler bunch.
Team Laces
This barely-more-than-a-mile distance is perfect for those at the younger end of the group who will aspire to finish, as well as those in the older group who may be developing their inner competitor and goal-driven personalities.
Team Trainers
At just under 2 miles this race really gets kids moving and everyone in the age group should be proud of their achievement. More seasoned runners can test their skills on this far, but not too far, course.